The Utah County Attorney's Office, has established a Criminal Investigation's Division to investigate financial crimes, political corruption, police officer involved shootings, and computer crimes. This office also assists other law enforcement agencies and is proactive in educating the community and senior citizens on how to keep from becoming victims of financial crimes.
What We Do (and Do Not Do)
- The criminal activity occurred either completely or mostly in Utah County and within multiple cities in Utah County. Any crimes committed completely or mostly within a city (or in another county) must first be referred to that city's or county's police agency. The Bureau will assist with such a case only upon request of the city's or county's police agency.
- The criminal activity has not been referred to another agency (such as the FBI, state fraud investigators and city police departments). The Investigations Bureau will assist other agencies with an investigation at their request.
- The crime must:
- Have a financial loss exceeding $100,000; or,
- Involve a suspect who is currently in public office, or has a close relative in public office; or,
- Involve an employee or close family member of a government entity which therefore causes a conflict of interest for that entity; or,
- Involve an unusually complex or a sensitive non-financial issue. The request to investigate must be made by the chief of the police agency having jurisdiction.
The Bureau also aids Utah County police agencies in forensic computer examinations.
The Bureau may also conduct polygraph examinations on request from local police agencies, after consultation between the investigating officer, the investigating agency's liaison attorney and the polygraph examiner.