Campaign financial disclosures are required to be filed with the County Clerk/Auditor by County and Local School Board candidates.
Candidates can access the Financial Campaign Form here.
Additional copies of Schedule A and Schedule B can be found here.
Candidates may be required to submit more than one campaign financial disclosure throughout their candidacy.
The deadlines are as follows:
- 30 Days after withdrawal or elimination
- From the date of a withdrawal as a candidate, the candidate is required to submit a campaign financial disclosure within 30 days.
- From the date of elimination at either Convention, Primary, or General, the candidate is required to submit a campaign financial disclosure within 30 days.
Seven days preceding the Primary Election
- The deadline for submission is seven days prior to the Primary Election. For candidates who are on the ballot for the Primary Election, they will be required to report contributions and expenditures made up to 10 days prior to the election.
- 30 Days after the Primary Election
- If the candidate was eliminated at the Primary Election.
Seven days preceding the General Election
- The deadline for submission is seven days prior to the General Election. For candidates who are on the ballot for the General Election, they will be required to report contributions and expenditures made up to 10 days prior to the election.
- 30 Days after the General Election
- For all candidates that were on the ballot for the General Election.
A campaign financial disclosure is required to be submitted to the Clerk/Auditor whether there are any contributions or expenditures to report.
A candidate who receives a contribution that is cash or a negotiable instrument, which exceeds $50, from an unknown donor, shall within 30 days after receiving the contribution shall disburse the amount to:
- The treasurer of the state or a political subdivision for deposit into the state’s or political subdivisions general fund: or
- An organization that is exempt from the federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code
Candidates can submit their reports to the Clerk/Auditor by email or delivering to the Elections Office.
Campaign financial disclosures are made available to the public within one day of submission and are posted on the Utah County Elections website within seven days.
Failure to submit a campaign financial disclosure form will result in the candidate’s name being removed from the ballot and/or not counting votes cast for the candidate on the ballot. A $100 fine may also be imposed on the candidate.