Abstract Information for Serial # 21:042:0058  

  • Owner Name: SWENSON, GARN J (ET AL)
  • Property Address:
  • Mailing Address: 1037 W 500 S - PROVO, UT 84601-4130
  • Taxing Description: COM 1082.74 FT N & 765.16 FT W FR SE COR, NE 1/4, SEC 11, T 7 S, R 2 E, SLB&M; N 36 50'50" W 338.78 FT; N 1 E 32.06 FT E 207.9 FT; S 1 W 303.21 FT TO BEG. AREA .80 OF AN ACRE. LESS: THAT PORTION SOLD TO PROVO CITY FOR ROAD PRUPOSES.

  • Grantor : SWENSON, GARN J (ET AL)
  • Grantee : PROVO CITY
  • Entry No : 501-1996
  • Book Page : 3855 838
  • Kind of Instrument : QCD
  • Inst. Date : 01/02/1996
  • Rec. Date : 01/03/1996
  • Rec. Time : 12:03 pm
  • Consideration : $10
  • Satisfaction :
  • Tie Entry No :  
  • Comments :
    To: 21:042:0123 (more)

  • Grantor : MC FARLAND, MELVIN J
  • Grantee : SWENSON, GARN J (ET AL)
  • Entry No : 95770-1994
  • Book Page : 3591 442
  • Kind of Instrument : WD
  • Inst. Date : 10/20/1994
  • Rec. Date : 12/21/1994
  • Rec. Time : 12:00 pm
  • Consideration : $10
  • Satisfaction :
  • Tie Entry No :  
  • Comments :