Real Property Tax Detail Information

Serial # 04:099:0006   Tax Year: 1998

Tax District: 110 - PROVO CITY

Owner Name: JONES, ETTA (ET AL)

Mailing Address: 557 W 400 N PROVO, UT 84601-2654

  • General Taxes:   $427.85
  • Adjustments:   $0.00
  • Net Taxes:   $427.85
  • Penalty:   $0.00
  • Fees:   $0.00

  • 02/03/1998
  • 02:38:24 pm
  • $350.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 10/30/1998
  • 12:28:59 pm
  • $77.85
  • TC 1 OF 1

Click Here For Duplicate Tax Notice