Document Detail
- Entry #: 140856-2005
- Recorded: 12/6/2005 12:59:33 PM
- Pages: 3
- Instrument Date: 11/7/2005
- Consideration: $0.00
- Kind of Instrument: R/W EAS - RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT
- Fees: $14.00
- Rec Party: PACIFI CORP
- Mail Party: UTAH POWER STATUS = MAILED 12/09/2005
- Mail Address: 1407 WN TEMPLE # 110 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116
- Tax Address: 1407 WN TEMPLE # 110
SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 - Grantors :
- Grantee(s):
- Serial Number(s):
- Tie Entry(s):
- Releases:
- Abbv Taxing Desc:Block 25 Plat A - FAIRFIELD TOWN