Utah County Government

Document Detail

Entry #: 9868-2024 Recorded: 2/15/2024 3:54:02 PM Pages: 1
Instrument Date: 2/15/2024 Consideration:$10.00
Kind of Inst: WD - WARRANTY DEED Fees:$40.00
Rec Party: CSC SYSTEMS for Department of Revenue
Mail Party: DELIVERED  
Mail Address:
Tax Address: 1359 N 3250 W
PROVO, UT 84601


Grantee(s): LOVELACE, DON
Serial Number(s): 35:694:0135
Tie Entry(s):
Abbv Taxing Desc*: Lot 135 - BROADVIEW SHORES PUD PHASE 1

*Taxing description NOT FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS


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