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Serial Number: 32:016:0088 Serial Life: 2021    
Property Address:   
Mailing Address: PO BOX 311237 NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78131  
Acreage: 21.220861  
Last Document: 120208-2020  
Subdivision Map Filing   
Taxing Description:  COM N 146.45 FT & W 59.42 FT FR SE COR. SEC. 10, T10S, R1E, SLB&M.; ALONG A CURVE TO L (CHORD BEARS: S 50 DEG 21' 22" W 747.07 FT, RADIUS = 640 FT); ALONG A CURVE TO R (CHORD BEARS: S 54 DEG 25' 2" W 31.99 FT, RADIUS = 25 FT); ALONG A CURVE TO L (CHORD BEARS: S 83 DEG 58' 44" W 730.17 FT, RADIUS = 2060 FT); N 17 DEG 16' 40" W 208.27 FT; N 72 DEG 43' 20" E 13 FT; N 17 DEG 16' 40" W 52.36 FT; N 72 DEG 43' 20" E 63.59 FT; N 17 DEG 16' 40" W 141.11 FT; N 6 DEG 47' 36" W 135.42 FT; N 138.35 FT; E 84.62 FT; N 55 FT; W 80.17 FT; N 34 DEG 15' 23" E 162.41 FT; N 56 DEG 49' 44" E 116.27 FT; N 77 DEG 44' 48" E 111 FT; S 85 DEG 35' 20" E 176.49 FT; S 85 DEG 1' 53" E 26.75 FT; S 85 DEG 2' 14" E 192 FT; S 77 DEG 47' 12" E 16.43 FT; S 89 DEG 17' 18" E 194.2 FT; S 0 DEG 42' 42" W 57.96 FT; S 89 DEG 17' 18" E 78.53 FT; S 0 DEG 42' 42" W 20 FT; S 89 DEG 17' 18" E 181 FT; N 0 DEG 42' 42" E 20 FT; S 89 DEG 17' 18" E 228.82 FT; S 0 DEG 5' 18" E 270.91 FT; ALONG A CURVE TO R (CHORD BEARS: S 21 DEG 52' 7" W 11.22 FT, RADIUS = 15 FT) TO BEG. AREA 21.221 AC.

*Taxing description NOT FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS


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2021   HG UTAH I LLC
----- Real Estate Values -----
    Market Value
General Taxes
Net Taxes
Tax Balance*
Balance Due
Tax District
$0.00     190 - SANTAQUIN CITY

* Note: Original tax amount (Does not include applicable interest and/or fees).
Entry # Date Recorded Type Party1 (Grantor) Party2 (Grantee)
3078-2021 01/06/2021 01/06/2021 SP WD HG UTAH I LLC T D R HORTON INC
202292-2020 12/03/2002 12/18/2020 AGR HG UTAH 1 LLC (ET AL) SANTAQUIN CITY CORPORATION
192503-2020 11/25/2020 12/03/2020 DECLCOV D R HORTON INC WHOM OF INTEREST
120210-2020 08/13/2020 08/13/2020 AGR HG UTAH I LLC D R HORTON INC
120208-2020 08/13/2020 08/13/2020 SP WD HG UTAH I LLC D R HORTON INC

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Comments or Concerns on Value/Appraisal - Assessor's Office
Documents/Owner/Parcel information - Recorder's Office
Address Change for Tax Notice

This page was created on 3/26/2025 6:41:45 PM

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