Abstract Information for Serial # 55:029:0500  

  • Owner Name: STREET ON BOOK 55 PAGE 29
  • Property Address:
  • Mailing Address: Error getting the mailing street. - Error getting the mailing address.
  • Taxing Description: NO LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOUND

  • Grantor : OREM CITY OF THE
  • Entry No : 1142-1986
  • Book Page : 2274 726
  • Kind of Instrument : QCD
  • Inst. Date : 01/07/1986
  • Rec. Date : 01/13/1986
  • Rec. Time : 01:42 pm
  • Consideration : $1
  • Satisfaction :
  • Tie Entry No : 3963 1957
  • Comments :
    To: 18:001:0085

  • Grantor : OREM CITY OF THE
  • Grantee : WHOM OF INTEREST
  • Entry No : 1141-1986
  • Book Page : 2274 723
  • Kind of Instrument : V ORDIN
  • Inst. Date : 01/07/1986
  • Rec. Date : 01/13/1986
  • Rec. Time : 01:41 pm
  • Consideration : $0
  • Satisfaction :
  • Tie Entry No : 3963 1957
  • Comments :
    To: 18:001:0026 (more)