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Serial Number: 52:578:0034 Serial Life: 2017...    
Property Address:  ALPINE  
Mailing Address: 20 N MAIN ALPINE, UT 84004  
Acreage: 7.140601  
Last Document: 36832-2016  
Subdivision Map Filing   
Taxing Description:  PART LOT, CITY PARK, PLAT A, SILVERLEAF SUB DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; COM N 1160.46 FT & W 93.03 FT FR W 1/4 COR. SEC. 30, T4S, R2E, SLB&M.; ALONG A CURVE TO L (CHORD BEARS: N 49 DEG 28' 31" W 209.5 FT, RADIUS = 430.43 FT); N 0 DEG 12' 21" W 45.1 FT; S 88 DEG 45' 35" E 57.95 FT; N 0 DEG 52' 43" E 168.39 FT; N 57 DEG 56' 15" W 26.65 FT; N 38 DEG 6' 7" W 21.49 FT; N 24 DEG 33' 9" W 25.36 FT; S 77 DEG 34' 23" E 55.78 FT; S 47 DEG 38' 21" E 105.91 FT; S 89 DEG 12' 26" E 38.16 FT; S 79 DEG 23' 42" E 16.09 FT; N 87 DEG 42' 58" E 11.43 FT; N 52 DEG 18' 45" E 26.44 FT; N 48 DEG 25' 37" E 29.53 FT; N 41 DEG 40' 42" E 31.4 FT; N 39 DEG 5' 53" E 39.02 FT; N 1 DEG 49' 55" E 52.2 FT; N 15 DEG 30' 22" W 28.72 FT; N 22 DEG 59' 16" W 25.94 FT; N 37 DEG 33' 49" W 23.87 FT; N 60 DEG 58' 36" W 117.19 FT; N 74 DEG 58' 8" W 119.14 FT; N 0 DEG 12' 0" E 77.14 FT; N 77 DEG 15' 0" E 201.24 FT; S 0 DEG 2' 36" E 2.6 FT; N 78 DEG 14' 14" E 289.47 FT; S 64 DEG 12' 59" E 62.48 FT; ALONG A CURVE TO R (CHORD BEARS: S 54 DEG 36' 31" E 75.11 FT, RADIUS = 226.01 FT); S 45 DEG 0' 0" W 150 FT; S 24 DEG 4' 17" E 55.61 FT; S 9 DEG 46' 8" E 100 FT; S 9 DEG 45' 16" E 138.92 FT; ALONG A CURVE TO L (CHORD BEARS: S 29 DEG 38' 50" W 205.53 FT, RADIUS = 329.81 FT); ALONG A CURVE TO R (CHORD BEARS: S 36 DEG 19' 46" W 226.72 FT, RADIUS = 270.04 FT); N 33 DEG 11' 47" W 120.03 FT; S 64 DEG 20' 38" W 161.95 FT TO BEG. AREA 7.141 AC.

*Taxing description NOT FOR LEGAL DOCUMENTS


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2017...   ALPINE CITY
----- Real Estate Values -----
    Market Value
General Taxes
Net Taxes
Tax Balance*
Balance Due
Tax District

* Note: Original tax amount (Does not include applicable interest and/or fees).
Entry # Date Recorded Type Party1 (Grantor) Party2 (Grantee)
120836-2016 11/21/2016 12/01/2016 BLA JACOBSON, ELIOT W & MARCELLE D TEE (ET AL) ALPINE CITY
36832-2016 04/18/2016 04/28/2016 QCD ALPINE CITY HUTCHINSON, HARVEY L & VARO C

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This page was created on 3/24/2025 3:47:04 AM

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