Expenditures are contained in a searchable database maintained by the State of Utah. The data contained on this website is raw data and therefore may not agree to any audited or published financial statements. Data is uploaded to the database each quarter.
State DatabaseThe Board of County Commissioners is responsible for adopting policies and procedures that affect day-to-day financial activities of the County. The Auditor reviews financial transactions for compliance with established policies and procedures.
County PoliciesAs a direct recipient of State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the County is required to publish annual Recovery Plan Performance Reports (Recovery Plans). The Recovery Plan provides an overview of how the County plans to use SLFRF to help turn the tide on the pandemic, address economic fallout resulting from the pandemic, and promote a strong recovery.
Recovery ReportsAll local government and limited purpose entities are required to register with the Lt. Governor's office. They must provide their basic contact information and primary governmental function as stated in either state statute or the documents that created them.
Registry of EntitiesFinancial data not available online is available on request by completing a request for records form.
GRAMA Requests