Bidder Registration - Live and Online Auction
Online Auction Bidder Registration
General Public Sale of Delinquent Properties - All Bid Types
Bidders wishing to participate in the Online Auction will need to register with the online auction vendor using the button below. Bidders may be required to a deposit in order to place a bid. See auction details for deposit amount and wiring instructions. Use the button below to learn how to register and participate in the online auction.
REGISTER WITH PUBLICSURPLUS.COMCounty ordinance 3.04.020. Bidder Registration Procedures
- All individuals interested in participating in the annual real property tax sale shall be required to register in order to participate in the tax sale.
- An individual who is registering for a sale that is conducted as an in-person auction shall be required to register and receive a bid number before the sale starts and/or bidding begins. Registration prior to the start of the sale is to eliminate any confusion after bidding begins. Bidders will not be allowed to register after registration has been closed at the start of the sale and/or bidding begins. Bidders will be required to pay any registration fees and produce any funds for deposit, if required, prior to being issued a bidder number. The bidder agreement, signed by the bidder at registration, shall include a schedule of fees, if required, and shall identify if any fee or portion of fee is non-refundable.
- An individual who is registering for a sale that is conducted as an online auction shall be required to register as per the requirements of the vendor contracted by the Utah County Auditor to conduct the online auction. Bidders will be subject to the terms of service, registration requirements, and payment of fees (both refundable and non-refundable) according the vendors terms of service.
- An individual interested in bidding for more than one entity, shall be required to register separately each such entity in order to bid.
- Tax deeds will only be prepared in the name of the successful bidder as provided by the winning bidder during registration.