Property Information

Serial Number: 56:038:0019 Serial Life: 2023NV    
Property Address:   
Mailing Address: 9537 S 700 E SANDY, UT 84070-3494  
Acreage: 0.095306  
Last Document: 82087-2022  
Subdivision Map Filing   
Legal Description:  PART LOT 8, PLAT A, THE YARD SUB DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:; COM N 1367.5 FT & W 795.12 FT FR SE COR. SEC. 8, T6S, R2E, SLB&M.; S 51.5 FT; W 3.48 FT; N 0 DEG 0' 11" W 75.83 FT; ALONG A CURVE TO L (CHORD BEARS: N 47 DEG 51' 56" E 37.02 FT, RADIUS = 89.05 FT); N 89 DEG 59' 51" E 69.52 FT; S 13.94 FT; W 40.71 FT; S 35.23 FT; W 52.79 FT TO BEG. AREA 0.072 AC. ALSO PART LOT 9, PLAT A, THE YARD SUB DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS:; COM N 1288.74 FT & W 753.03 FT FR SE COR. SEC. 8, T6S, R2E, SLB&M.; N 70 DEG 2' 16" W 44.65 FT; W 3.6 FT; N 0 DEG 0' 8" W 12 FT; E 3.49 FT; E 55.3 FT; ALONG A CURVE TO L (CHORD BEARS: S 25 DEG 53' 16" W 30.28 FT, RADIUS = 137 FT) TO BEG. AREA 0.024 AC. TOTAL AREA .095 AC.  

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2023NV   600 MILL LLC
----- Real Estate Values -----
    Market Value
General Taxes
Net Taxes
Tax Balance*
Balance Due
Tax District
5 Year
1 Year
*The visual representation is a sum of taxes for the year(s) selected and is for reference only and no liability is assumed for any inaccuracies, incorrect data or variations.

* Note: Original tax amount (Does not include applicable interest and/or fees).
Entry # Date Recorded Type Party1 (Grantor) Party2 (Grantee)
121262-2022 09/14/2022 11/30/2022 S PLAT 600 MILL LLC (ET AL) YARD THE PLAT D
120355-2022 11/28/2022 11/28/2022 WD DMGREEN INC 600 MILL LLC
115869-2022 10/24/2022 11/04/2022 PR EAS ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER DIV OF (ET AL) MTLH LLC (ET AL)
105895-2022 09/30/2022 09/30/2022 REC BANK OF UTAH TEE 600 MILL LLC
105894-2022 09/30/2022 09/30/2022 REC BANK OF UTAH TEE 600 MILL LLC
105893-2022 09/30/2022 09/30/2022 REC BANK OF UTAH TEE 600 MILL LLC
91526-2022 08/11/2022 08/17/2022 D TR 600 MILL LLC BY (ET AL) BANK OF UTAH
82087-2022 07/19/2022 07/19/2022 WD 600 MILL LLC BY (ET AL) DMGREEN INC

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This page was created on 3/8/2025 11:25:25 PM