Document Detail
- Entry #: 21292-1976
- Recorded: 1/1/1976
- Book: 1495 Page: 126
- Instrument Date: 7/3/1976
- Consideration: $10.00
- Kind of Instrument: WD W - WARRANTY DEED WITH WATER
- Fees: $0.00
- Rec Party:
- Mail Party: DELIVERED
- Mail Address:
- Tax Address: 270 S 300 W
LEHI, UT 84043-2020 - Grantors :
- Grantee(s):
- Serial Number(s):
- Tie Entry(s):
- Releases:
- Abbv Taxing Desc:Lot 1 Block 25 - FAIRFIELD
Lot 3,4,5 Block 27 Plat A - FAIRFIELD TOWN
WATER USERS CLAIM # 54-244,54-141