Real Property Tax Detail Information

Serial # 05:045:0003   Tax Year: 2005

Tax District: 110 - PROVO CITY


Mailing Address: 1509 E 900 S SPRINGVILLE, UT 84663-9557

  • General Taxes:   $2,426.27
  • Adjustments:   $0.00
  • Net Taxes:   $2,426.27
  • Penalty:   $0.00
  • Fees:   $0.00

  • 02/14/2005
  • 09:07:59 am
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 03/09/2005
  • 12:04:42 pm
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 04/06/2005
  • 02:17:23 pm
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 05/11/2005
  • 01:10:35 pm
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 06/08/2005
  • 02:02:32 pm
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 06/28/2005
  • 11:22:49 am
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 08/10/2005
  • 01:42:39 pm
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 09/09/2005
  • 02:31:47 pm
  • $244.00
  • PP 1 OF 1
  • 11/17/2005
  • 11:49:07 am
  • $474.27
  • TC 1 OF 1

Click Here For Duplicate Tax Notice