Property Valuation Information
- Serial Number : 300870015
- Tax Year : 2025
- Owner Names : FARLEY, KENYON L & IRENE
- Property Address : 12482 S 4380 WEST - PAYSON
- Tax District : 120 - NEBO SCHOOL DIST S/A 6-7-8
- Acreage : 36.323699
- Property Classification : MRAB - MULTIPLE RES + AG > 1 ACRE
- Legal Description : COM N 2659.87 FT & W 88.83 FT FR S 1/4 COR. SEC. 30, T9S, R2E, SLB&M.; N 89 DEG 49' 13" E 224.13 FT; S 1 DEG 39' 32" W 266 FT; S 0 DEG 51' 5" W 808.98 FT; W 444.39 FT; S 1 DEG 35' 0" W 80.45 FT; E 83.24 FT; S 2 DEG 15' 26" W 254.4 FT; S 1 DEG 7' 8" E 44.04 FT; S 0 DEG 45' 49" W 313.79 FT; S 2 DEG 15' 9" W 48.88 FT; S 2 DEG 35' 16" W 19.84 FT; S 89 DEG 56' 5" E 174.96 FT; S 794.99 FT; S 89 DEG 55' 59" W 802.49 FT; N 3 DEG 52' 30" E 112.92 FT; N 3 DEG 16' 30" E 278.06 FT; N 4 DEG 30' 47" E 34 FT; N 2 DEG 54' 2" E 188.13 FT; N 1 DEG 21' 46" E 64.88 FT; N 89 DEG 22' 59" E 230.54 FT; N 2 DEG 43' 32" E 475.96 FT; N 2 DEG 28' 30" E 450.64 FT; N 2 DEG 31' 44" E 421.88 FT; N 3 DEG 7' 58" E 168.45 FT; N 2 DEG 11' 29" E 178.79 FT; N 2 DEG 18' 51" E 256.49 FT; N 89 DEG 49' 13" E 447.76 FT TO BEG. AREA 36.324 AC.
Property Types: | 2024 Market Value |
2025 Market Value |
Primary Residential | $343,200 |
$343,200 |
Non-Primary Residential | $1,857,800 |
$1,857,800 |
Greenbelt Land Value | $21,398 |
$21,398 |
Greenbelt Homesite Value | $112,000 |
$112,000 |
Total Property Market Value | $2,201,000 | $2,201,000 |
Greenbelt values are shown for reference only and are not part of the total property market value, but are utilized as part of the proposed tax calculations