Community Reinvestment Agencies (CRAs), usually referred to as redevelopment agencies, are quasi-government agencies specially formed to manage development projects in a defined geographical area. They are funded through the use of a tax incentive program called “Tax Increment Financing”.
Tax Increment financing is property tax revenue that results from increases in property values within the project area. Instead of being paid to the taxing entities which levy the taxes, this tax revenue is paid to the CRAs to be used for purposes allowed under Title 17C of the Utah Code, usually related to redevelopment or development of underdeveloped areas.
CRA’s are formed by cities or counties as an independent quasi-governmental entity. CRAs are governed by a board typically comprised of members of their respective city or county councils. The Community Reinvestment Act has been amended throughout the years by the Utah State Legislature and was formerly known as the Neighborhood Redevelopment, Economic Development, Urban Renewal and Community Development Acts.
Use the drop down boxes to view the contact information for each Redevelopment Agency and the annual 700 Report. The 700 report gives how much property tax increment was paid to the agency for the tax year of the report.
51 East Main Street
American Fork, UT 84003
Ph: (801) 763-3000
Fax: (801) 763-3033
Agency Website: americanfork.gov
50 E. Stagecoach Run
Eagle Mountain, UT 84005
Ph: (801) 789-6600
Fax: (801) 789-6649
Agency Website:
153 North 100 East
Lehi, Utah 84043
Ph: (385) 201-1000
Fax: (385) 201-1001
Agency Website:
100 North State Street
Lindon, UT 84042
Ph: (801) 785-5043
Agency Website:
56 North State Street
Orem, UT 84057
Ph: (801) 229-7079
Agency Website:
70 South 100 East
Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062
Ph: (801) 785-6057
Agency Website:
City Center Building (West Entrance)
351 West Center Street
Provo, UT 84601
Ph: (801) 852-6160
Agency Website:
40 South Main Street
Spanish Fork, UT 84660
Ph: (801) 804-4500
Agency Website:
110 South Main
Springville, UT 84663
Ph: (801) 491-7850
Agency Website:
125 South Main Street
Vineyard, UT 84059
Ph: (801) 226-1929
Agency Website:
All agency annual audit reports (starting with 2022) can now be found on Utah Redevelopment Agency Portal that is hosted by the Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity. These reports must be filed annually by Redevelopment Agencies to report on the status of each project managed by the agency. These reports provide the public updates on the projects budgets, project milestones, and how the Tax Increment collected by the agencies are being used.
Use the button below to go to the portal. To view all of the projects for an agency type in the city name of the agency in the search box to view all of the reports on file for the agency in question. Agency reports for 2021 to 2015 can be found in the drop down box for each agency in the "Agency Information and 700 Reports".
Agency Report Portal