Utah County offers several tax relief programs. Individuals that qualify for one or more of these programs could see a minor to significant reduction of their property taxes.
All tax relief programs, except for the Disabled Veteran/Killed in Action exemption, require a new application be submitted every year to qualify.Apply For Tax Relief
Use this button to submit an application for property tax relief to Utah County through our applicant portal. Requires applicant to create an account and log in.
Disabled Veterans may also use this system for vehicle exemption applications.
Apply Online NowRequest Mailed Application
If you are uncomfortable with or unable to use the online application system, use this button to request the Tax Administration office email/mail you a paper application.
You can complete the application and return it to the office for processing by email, mail, or in-person.
Request Paper ApplicationTax Relief Programs Available
(click to view details)
(click to view details)
Active Duty Servicemember Exemption
Property Tax Exemption for the Blind
Circuit Breaker & County Low-Income Abatement
Circuit Breaker 75+ Deferral
Disabled Veteran / Killed In Action Exemption
Disabled Veteran / Killed In Action Exemption for Personal Vehicles