Designation Application Fee is $25.00
Utah State Code 17-20-4 authorizes the County Clerk to designate individuals who are willing to officiate a legal marriage for which a marriage license has been issued. A designated individual is referred to as a Designee.
Utah County maintains a list of Designees authorized to solemnize a legal marriage for which a marriage license has been issued. An applicant is considered a Utah County designee after their application has been reviewed and approved by the Utah County Clerk or a Deputy Clerk. Designated individuals will be issued either a paper or electronic certificate that will serve as evidence that an individual is an approved designee.
The following information is Utah County's policy on Designees. If you would like to become a Utah County Designee, please read the information below carefully, then complete the appropriate form. To complete your registration you can appear in person at the Utah County Marriage License Office or complete your registration online. See the boxes labeled Step One and Step Two to complete the online process.
A Designee will understand and abide by the following provisions in order to be a Designee. Failure to comply with any of these requirements may be grounds for immediate termination of the appointment as a Designee.
- Any designation of a person to officiate marriages shall be in writing and a record thereof kept by the Clerk.
- The Designee will be aware of and abide by Utah State Code governing marriage, including the following provisions:
- A marriage license is only valid within thirty (30) days of issuance. After thirty (30) days, the license must be returned and reissued.
- A ceremony must have two witnesses (18 years of age or older) that are present to attest to the marriage. These witnesses must be someone other than the officiator and the couple and must sign the license.
- The Designee will ensure that the official marriage license is filled out accurately and completely, including all necessary signatures. The Designee will enter their title as "Utah County Clerk Designee" on the marriage license.
- The Designee will return the official license to the Utah County Clerk’s office within thirty (30) days of the ceremony. Failure to do so may result in the Designee being charged with a crime under U.S.C. 30-1-11.
- An appointment as a Designee does not establish an employment or contractor relationship with Utah County, the Clerk’s Office, or any other person or entity.
- A Designee must be 18 years of age or older.
- A Designee’s authority to perform marriage ceremonies extends only within the borders of the State of Utah. A Designee is not authorized under Utah State Code to officiate in wedding ceremonies outside of the State of Utah.
- The Designee will negotiate and manage any compensation for their services. A Designee will establish a consistent fee schedule for any service they provide as a Designee, and the fee schedule will not discriminate or provide preferential pricing on the basis of any characteristic protected under law.
- The Designee will provide a marriage ceremony that affords each party the opportunity to affirm their willingness to enter into a marriage commitment. Note that the couple may provide their own wording, as long as it includes a statement of their voluntary entry into a marriage commitment with their spouse. A sample of such wording is as follows:
DESIGNEE: (Spouse 1), do you take (Spouse 2) to be your lawfully wedded (husband/wife/spouse)?
SPOUSE 1: (Required to answer in the affirmative.)
DESIGNEE: (Spouse 2), do you take (Spouse 1) to be your lawfully wedded (husband/wife/spouse)?
SPOUSE 2: (Required to answer in the affirmative.)
DESIGNEE: By virtue of the authority vested in me through the laws of the State of Utah, I now pronounce you (Spouse 1) and (Spouse 2) legally married. - The appointment as a Designee may be terminated at any time by the Designee or the County Clerk for no cause with 30 days written notice, or at any time for any material breach of law, this policy, or any provision of the designation form by either party.
- The Designee will notify the Utah County Clerk’s office of any change in contact information during their term as a Designee.
- The Designee will agree and promise to indemnify and hold harmless Utah County, its officers, agents, officials, employees, and volunteers, and release them for and from any liability, costs or expenses arising from any action, causes of action, claims for relief, demands, damages, expenses, costs, fees, or compensation, whether or not said actions, causes of action, claims for relief, demands, damages, costs, fees, expenses and/or compensations are known or unknown, are in law or equity, and without limitation, all claims of relief which can be set forth through a complaint or otherwise that may arise out of the acts or omissions, negligent or otherwise of the Designee, or marriage parties.
To complete your Designee registration online you will need to upload your completed application (either Limited or Indefinite), upload a copy of your Driver's license, upload a selfie, and pay the registration fee. Click on "Submit Registration" to complete your Designee registration.