Utah County Tip Hotline
The Utah County Tip Hotline, managed by the Utah County Auditor's Internal Audit Division, is designed to assist employees and the public in deterring and detecting misuse and misreporting of county funds and assets. It enables individuals to report improper Utah County financial activity.
Submit a Tip
You may also call 801-851-8989 to leave a Hotline Tip voicemail, but please ensure that all required components of the reporting form are included in your message.
What is Investigated?
- Misuse or misreporting of public funds, property, or employee time
- Accuracy, completeness, and compliance with any internal control (including law, rule, regulation, policy, or professional standard) applicable to Utah County that affects the fair presentation of the County’s financial status
What is NOT Investigated?
- Employee personnel grievances (e.g., equitable compensation, harassment, etc.)
- Provide the information to office management or Human Resources
- Consumer, taxpayer, Medicaid, or welfare fraud
- Provide this information to the relevant State of Utah agency.
- GRAMA/OPMA non-compliance
- Provide this information to the Office of the Utah County Attorney
- Activity outside Utah County Government
What is the screening and prioritization process?
- Does the complaint pertain to improper government activity?
- Does the complaint involve improper activity by a Utah County Department or employee?
- What is the timing, frequency, and impact of the alleged improper activity?
- Can the complaint be efficiently and effectively investigated?
Confidentiality and Anonymity
- A complainant identity is a protected record, per the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) and will be kept confidential.
- Complaints may be submitted anonymously.
- Providing contact information enables Internal Audit to adequately investigate the complaint.
- Anonymous complaints do not invoke the whistleblower protection, per Utah Code 67-21-3.