Utah County offers several tax relief programs. Individuals that qualify for one or more of these programs could see a minor to significant reduction of their property taxes.

All tax relief programs, except for the Disabled Veteran/Killed in Action exemption, require a new application be submitted every year to qualify.
Apply For Tax Relief

Use this button to submit an application for property tax relief to Utah County through our applicant portal. Requires applicant to create an account and log in.

Disabled Veterans may also use this system for vehicle exemption applications.

Apply Online Now
Request Mailed Application

If you are uncomfortable with or unable to use the online application system, use this button to request the Tax Administration office email/mail you a paper application.

You can complete the application and return it to the office for processing by email, mail, or in-person.

Request Paper Application
Tax Relief Programs Available
(click to view details)
Active Duty Servicemember Exemption
  • Active or recently discharged members of the Armed Forces.
  • Must have completed 200 days of active deployment outside of the State of Utah during one 365-day period.
  • Subject property must be applicant’s current primary residence.
Deadline to Apply:
  • September 1st to include exemption on October Property Tax Notice and avoid unnecessary refunds or penalties.
  • December 31st to file without meeting additional requirements.
  • September 1st of the following year with a late petition. All late petitions must be approved by the Utah County Commission.
Property Tax Exemption for the Blind
  • Applicants must be declared legally blind by a licensed ophthalmologist.
  • Also available to the unmarried surviving spouse or minor orphaned child of a blind person.
Deadline to Apply:
  • September 1st to include exemption on October Property Tax Notice and avoid unnecessary refunds or penalties.
  • December 31st is the final deadline to apply for the year. No extensions allowed.
Circuit Breaker & County Low-Income Abatement
  • Applicants for Circuit Breaker must be 66 years of age or older on or before December 31 or a widow/widower of any age.
  • Applicants for County Low-Income must be 65 years of age or older on or before December 31.
  • For both programs the total annual household income may not exceed $42,623 for 2025.
  • For county low income, applicants may not have liquid assets exceeding $11,100, plus the total amount of the prior year's property taxes.
Deadline to Apply:
  • September 1st to include exemption on October Property Tax Notice and avoid unnecessary refunds or penalties.
  • December 31st is the final deadline to apply for the year. No extensions allowed.
Circuit Breaker 75+ Deferral
  • Applicants for CB75+ Deferral must be 75 years of age or older on or before December 31.
  • The total annual household income may not exceed $85,246 for 2025.
  • Applicants need to affirm one of the two following conditions:
    • The subject property has been the personal primary residence of the applicant for 20+ years OR
    • The total market value of the subject property is below the county 2024 median value of $471,700.
  • Applicants total gross liquid assets must be equal to or below 20 times the amount of their 2024 total assessed property taxes. (Example, if the total assessed property taxes in 2024 was $2,000, the total liquid asset limit would be $40,000.)
  • Any property still encumbered by a primary lien (any type of mortgage, home equity loan, or line of credit), applicants will be required to get authorization from every lienholder (lender/loan servicer) before a deferral can be granted.
  • Approved applications will result in the county placing a Tax Lien on the property for the duration of the deferral.
  • Applicants are required to renew their deferral every year.
Deadline to Apply for both Initial Applications and Renewals:
  • September 1st to include deferral on October Property Tax Notice and avoid unnecessary refunds or penalties.
  • December 31st to file without meeting additional requirements.
  • September 1st of the following year with a late petition. All late petitions must be approved by the Utah County Commission.
Disabled Veteran / Killed In Action Exemption
  • Honorably discharged member of the US Armed Forces.
  • Also available to the unmarried surviving spouse or minor orphaned child of a Disabled Veteran or Servicemember killed in the line of duty/in action.
  • Must have at least a 10% combined service rating or died in the line of duty/in action.
  • Qualifying Veterans will only need to submit an application once, unless their service rating changes.
Deadline to Apply:
  • September 1st to include exemption on October Property Tax Notice and avoid unnecessary refunds or penalties.
  • December 31st to file without meeting additional requirements.
  • September 1st of the following year with a late petition. All late petitions must be approved by the Utah County Commission.
Exemption Benefit:
  • Maximum annual benefit for 2025 is $521,620.
  • Individual annual benefit is determined by a qualifying veteran's combined service rating.
Disabled Veteran / Killed In Action Exemption for Personal Vehicles
  • Honorably discharged member of the US Armed Forces.
  • Also available to the unmarried surviving spouse or minor orphaned child of a Disabled Veteran or Servicemember killed in the line of duty/in action.
  • Must have at least a 10% combined service rating or died in the line of duty/in action.
  • Vehicle title must be in the name of the qualifying veteran.
  • Must be applied for annually with the vehicle registration renewal
Deadline to Apply:
  • Must be applied for within no more than 6 months prior to or after the due date for the registration renewal.
  • Applications made for renewals that are greater than 90 days prior to or after the vehicle registration date should be done in person at the Tax Abatement Office.