Early Vote Locations
Early Voting dates, time, and location will be announced prior to the 2022 Primary Election
Voter ID Requirements
In order to vote in Utah, you must have ONE form of primary ID or TWO forms of
secondary ID
ONE primary form of ID that is valid (not expired), has your name, and has
your photograph.
These types of IDs include:
TWO forms of ID that, when combined, prove your name and current residence.
These types of IDs may include:
If you vote with a provisional ballot, you will need to show
acceptable forms of ID (see above) and proof of residence
Primary Forms of ID 

These types of IDs include:
- Utah driver license
- ID card issued by the state of Utah or the US Government
- Utah concealed carry permit
- US passport
- Tribal ID card (does not require a photograph)
Secondary Forms of ID 

These types of IDs may include:
- Utility bill dated within 90 days of the election
- Bank or other financial account statement
- Certified birth certificate
- Valid Social Security card
- Check issued by the state or federal government
- Currently valid Utah hunting or fishing license
- Currently valid US military ID card
- Certified naturalization documents (NOT a green card)
- Certified copy of court records showing the voter’s adoption or name change
- Bureau of Indian Affairs card
- Tribal treaty card
- Medicaid or Medicare or Electronic Benefits Transfer card
- Currently valid ID card issued by a local government within Utah
- Currently valid ID card issued by an employer
- Currently valid ID card issued by a college, university, technical school, or professional school in Utah
- Current Utah vehicle registration