Fee for a Marriage Ceremony is $35.00
In addition to providing marriage licenses, the Clerk's Office can also perform marriage ceremonies. Marriages are performed by a Deputy Clerk with a simple script that fulfills the legal requirements of the State of Utah.
Due to high demand, marriage ceremonies require an appointment.
Make An AppointmentMarriages are performed at/from the Clerk offices during regular business hours only. (Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 7:00 pm, Sat 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, closed all Federal Holidays, Pioneer Day, Christmas Eve, and Saturdays following a Friday holiday or preceding a Monday holiday.)
All Ceremonies:
- Appointments are given on a first come, first serve basis according the scheduled availability. Click on the "MAKE AN APPOINTMENT" button above to see available dates and times. If a particular date/time slot is not available, then there is either another ceremony already scheduled or that slot has been blocked out for another purpose.
- Couples must provide their own witnesses (minimum of two) who are at least 18 years of age or older. The county staff are not able to serve as witnesses for a ceremony unless there is an emergency.
- Ceremonies are officiated by a Deputy Clerk using a simple script that will give the couple an opportunity to exchange vows and rings if they choose to.
- The ceremony fee is not due until the day of the ceremony. Couples will be sent a reminder email 3 days and again 24 hours prior to the ceremony with a link to pay the fee. There is no need to pay the fee sooner than 3 days in advance.
- After scheduling your ceremony you will receive a confirmation email with a link to a Zoom meeting that you can share with family and friends.
Marriage Ceremonies In Office:
- Ceremonies are performed in the conference room of the Marriage License and Passport Office.
- Due to the limits of our space for in office ceremonies, wedding parties should include 8 PEOPLE OR FEWER including the couple and witnesses. Couples will be supplied with a video conferencing link they can give to family/friends that would like to participate in the ceremony above the 8 person maximum limit.
- Couples may use a marriage license from Utah County or bring a paper marriage license from any other county within the State of Utah. If a paper license is used, the couple and both witnesses must be present to sign the license.
- The couple may wait to obtain their license until the day of the ceremony, but will need to arrive 30 minutes prior to their ceremony time to complete the application.
Marriage Ceremonies By Remote Appearance:
- Couples getting married by remote appearance must use a marriage license issued by Utah County.
- The couple is required to get their license before scheduling their ceremony. Due to the limited time per appointment, couples cannot get their license issued at the same time they are getting married.
- Both the couple and the two witnesses must be able to appear via a live video feed during the ceremony.
- The Utah County officiant will verify the ID of both applicants and the age and identity of both witnesses via the live video before starting the ceremony.
- The couple and witnesses do not have to be in the same physical location to participate in the ceremony.
- Must provide your own witnesses (minimum of two) and they must be over the age of 18.
After the ceremony, the County officiant will finalize the license through the county officiant portal. The couple will receive their digital certified copy by email. For addresses in the continental United States, a paper certified copy will be mailed through US Postal Services within 2-3 business days. For international and overseas addresses, the paper certified copy will take longer to deliver.
After the ceremony, both the couple and the witnesses will sign the license in black ink. The officiant will sign the certificate and mail it to the county of origin. That county’s marriage license office will then issue a certified copy of the marriage certificate according to their policies and procedures.